Julie Kaplan

1. Do you support the HCPSS guidelines that transgender students will have access to restrooms, changing facilities, and sports in accordance with the student’s gender identity? Please explain your answer.

Yes, I support the HCPSS guidelines that permit transgender students to access restrooms, and changing facilities consistent with their gender identity. These guidelines are crucial for supporting the dignity and rights of transgender students, ensuring they can fully participate in school activities in a manner that affirms their gender identity.

What particularly reassures me about these guidelines is the provision for flexibility. The policy allows for "use of the restroom for the gender with which they identify and/or a safe and adequate alternative." This means that accommodations are available not only to support the needs of transgender students but also to address the comfort and privacy concerns of all students. By offering options, we ensure that every student’s rights to privacy and comfort are respected, creating a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.

This approach shows a commitment to balancing inclusivity with individual comfort, which I believe is key to fostering a respectful and supportive school community.

2. Would you support a policy that codifies the guideline that requires HCPSS staff and non-official documents to use the name and pronouns that a student requests? Please explain your answer.

Yes, I would support a policy that formalizes the use of names and pronouns as requested by students in all non-official documents and interactions by HCPSS staff. This policy is fundamental in affirming the identity of students, which is crucial for their emotional and psychological well-being. It demonstrates respect and acknowledgment of their self-identified gender, which is a core aspect of their personal dignity and autonomy.

I believe it is equally important to incorporate a provision for parents who might have reservations about this practice. Such a provision would allow parents to formally express their concerns through a structured process, involving paperwork and a signed release. This ensures that their perspectives are considered, fostering a collaborative environment between the school and families. By including this step, we can address the needs and rights of the students while also respecting parental input, thus maintaining a balanced approach to student identity affirmation within our educational system.

3. To what age groups (if any) is it appropriate for teachers and other staff members to disclose to students that they have LGBTQ+ family members or are in a same-sex relationship?

As someone with expertise in leadership, I believe in the importance of relying on the professional judgment and expertise of our educators when it comes to sensitive issues such as disclosing personal information about LGBTQ+ family members or same-sex relationships. It is essential that these decisions are informed by a thorough understanding of developmental psychology and what is considered appropriate at different age levels.

I would support a policy that empowers educators to make these decisions based on their professional training and the specific context of their classroom environments. Teachers have a close understanding of their students' maturity and the dynamics within their classrooms, making them well-positioned to determine when and how to share personal information in a way that is educational and supports inclusivity. Providing guidelines and ongoing training on these issues can also help ensure that such disclosures are handled sensitively and constructively, contributing to a school culture that respects and values diversity.

4. What concerns, if any, do you have with students talking about themselves or family, friends, or community members related to being LGBTQ+?

I have no specific concerns regarding students discussing their LGBTQ+ identities. In any space where it is appropriate for students to talk about their friends, family, and community, it is equally appropriate for LGBTQ+ students to share their experiences and identities. All students should have the freedom to express aspects of their lives that are important to them, provided it’s done in a supportive environment. It’s essential to ensure that all discussions are conducted with respect and inclusivity, mirroring the diversity and acceptance we strive to foster within the school community.

5. Should curriculum be revised to include reference to LGBTQ+ individuals, including the fact or possibility that the individuals were LGBTQ+ identified. If yes, what (if any) is the minimum grade level at which these changes should be made? Please explain your answer.

I believe that our current curriculum is already inclusive of LGBTQ+ individuals and their contributions. This inclusivity provides a broad and balanced education that reflects the diversity of Howard County. However, it's important to regularly review educational materials to ensure that they continue to represent a wide range of perspectives and to update them as necessary to address any gaps or emerging educational needs.

As for the appropriate grade level, this content should be introduced in an age-appropriate manner. I would rely on the expertise of educators and curriculum developers to determine the most suitable grade level for introducing these topics. This approach ensures that all students see themselves and their families reflected in their education from an early age, supporting the development of an inclusive and respectful school culture.

6. Should curriculum be revised to include reference to LGBTQ+ themed works of literature, art, and media, and if yes, what (if any) is the minimum grade level at which this should be done? Please explain your answer.

Please refer to my response to #5, it is similar.

7. Should HCPSS make sure schools continue to offer access to LGBTQ+ student clubs like GSAs to their students? At what levels (High? Middle? Elementary?) should this happen? Please explain your answer.

HCPSS should continue to offer LGBTQ+ student clubs like GSAs where there is student demand. These clubs are crucial for support and inclusivity, particularly in middle and high schools where students are actively exploring their identities. Elementary schools might also host such clubs if there is interest. It is vital that these clubs are student-driven and have administrative support and oversight to ensure they effectively meet the students’ needs.

8. Do you support the continued funding of programs for LGBTQ+ students at HCPSS such as employing an LGBTQ initiatives specialist and rainbow representatives within the schools? Please explain your answer.

I support the continued funding of LGBTQ+ programs at HCPSS, including positions like an LGBTQ initiatives specialist and rainbow representatives, provided there are clear goals and accountability for these roles as there should be with all HCPSS programs. It is crucial that individuals in these positions are responsible for measurable outcomes. For instance, I would expect to see demonstrable improvements in the LGBTQ+ results from school climate surveys. Ensuring that these roles contribute positively to the school environment and enhance the well-being of LGBTQ+ students is essential for their justification and continuation as is my belief for all HCPSS programs.

9. What changes would you like to see made to the way HCPSS handles identification, reporting, interventions, and prevention of bullying?

To enhance our understanding and management of bullying within HCPSS, it is essential that we improve transparency and data availability regarding bullying incidents. Currently, there is a lack of comprehensive county-wide reporting on bullying, which makes it challenging to evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies and interventions. I advocate for the development of a more robust system for tracking and reporting bullying incidents. This system should not only record incidents but also follow up on interventions and their outcomes. By implementing a more detailed and accessible reporting system, we can better identify trends, assess the effectiveness of current policies, and make informed decisions about necessary changes or enhancements to our anti-bullying strategies.

10. What measures should the school system take to prevent suicide among the student body?

Addressing suicide prevention requires a comprehensive approach that cannot be fully detailed in a brief response. However, key components should include early identification of at-risk students, readily accessible mental health support, and proactive education about mental health for students, staff, and parents. Additionally, there's a pressing need to improve the overall school climate*, particularly in our middle and high schools where survey results indicate concerningly low levels of student perception of the school environment. Enhancing our school environment is essential not only for academic success but also for the emotional and psychological well-being of our students. This multifaceted strategy is crucial for creating a supportive and responsive educational setting.


11. HCPSS has a diverse student population with regard to race, ethnicity, country of origin, immigration status, socioeconomic status, disability, family structure, etc. What roles do you think these intersectional identities should play in the school system’s policies and practices in supporting LGBTQ+ students?

The school system must ensure that every student feels safe, respected, and valued. It’s essential that our schools foster an environment where all students can feel good about who they are, embracing the wonderful diversity of identities they represent. Our policies and practices should support this by promoting inclusivity and respect for every student, ensuring that our educational environment is supportive and affirming for all.

12. HCPSS has guidelines for gender inclusion (found in https://www.hcpss.org/f/supports/gender-inclusive-guidelines.pdf). Do you support these guidelines and would you vote in favor of a policy that codifies these guidelines? Please explain your answer.

I support the HCPSS guidelines for gender inclusion, recognizing their critical role in promoting inclusivity and respect within our schools. However, I believe specific sections, particularly clause 3 regarding "Interscholastic Athletes," require further refinement for consistency and clarity. This clause should be revised to align more closely with clause 2, where participation in sports is contingent upon the gender a student has transitioned to, potentially supported by medical documentation. This adjustment would ensure that the guidelines are not only inclusive but also precise, clear, and supportive of all students’ needs. Such a revision would enhance fairness and safety in sports participation, aligning with our commitment to equity. I would vote in favor of codifying these guidelines into policy, provided these refinements are implemented to ensure their effectiveness and acceptance across our educational community.

13. What are your views on training all staff on LGBTQ+ and other diversity related issues?

I support integrating training on LGBTQ+ and diversity-related issues into existing professional development programs for all school staff. It’s crucial that this training not only addresses understanding and respecting various identities but is also delivered in a way that is manageable and impactful, given the broad scope of topics teachers already cover. By weaving these important lessons into the current training structure, we can ensure that every student’s unique identity is respected and valued, enhancing the overall educational environment without overwhelming our educators.

14. How should the school system deal with requests for book removal? How do you prevent those requests from disproportionately affecting LGBTQ+ themed books?

In dealing with requests for book removal, it is important to adhere to Policy 8040*, which guides the selection of instructional materials based on approved criteria. This ensures that our educational resources are age-appropriate, educationally relevant, and respectful of community values. However, any approach to restricting access to books, especially those that may be controversial, should be handled with caution. We must balance this with the importance of academic freedom and the necessity of exposing students to a diverse range of viewpoints.

Following the policy, which includes thorough community input and a structured review process, helps ensure that no book removal requests disproportionately affect any marginalized group, including those related to LGBTQ+ themes. By relying on this transparent and inclusive process, outlined in Policy 8040, and the community’s active involvement, we can maintain accountability and fairness in our handling of such requests. This commitment reinforces our dedication to providing a balanced and inclusive educational environment.
